Coming soon!
Published on March 30, 2007 By Dr W - Fences Support In Docks
Just posting to let everyone know that an update to ObjectDock Plus is coming soon!

We're going to be doing an alpha preview of the next version within the next few days that has many new features and improvements, including:
  • Brand new improved weather docklet with a really-cool flyout for the 5-day forecast
  • Live-thumbnails and super-smooth-never-flashes-on-finish minimizing/restoring animations on Vista, that don't mess with your system/hide windows on you/etc. (zooming docks only currently)
  • Ability on Vista to show previews of files/folders that offer previews as icons, e.g. PDF files, XPS files, Folders, movies, .Dream's, etc etc.
  • Brand new completly redone System Tray system that works great on Vista, including the new special icons (volume, power, etc)
  • Taskbars that can show minimized tasks only / non-minimized tasks only (zooming docks only currently)
  • Better-than-ever overall performance thanks to time spent reducing CPU usage & overhead, further improved zoom algorithms to make for as smooth experience as possible
  • Start Menu & Show Desktop docklets (not in inital alpha, but will be in v1.6 final)
  • Adjustable zoom-in/zoom-out speeds, and setting to have icons have a set base-transparency-level (not in inital alpha, but will be in v1.6 final)
  • Many fixes of glitches users have reported
  • New included artwork (not in inital alpha, but will be in v1.6 final)

    The first outting will be made available on Stardock Central for registered users, and will be marked as "alpha" not "beta" as it'll be the first time most of these things will be out in the wild. We're hoping the problems will be at a minimum - For those reporting problems however, please put "1.6" somewhere in the post title so I know it's the new version you're posting about!

    I hope you all enjoy the awesome new features of ObjectDock - alpha for v1.6 coming soon!

    -Jeff Bargmann
    ObjectDock Developer
  • Comments (Page 2)
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    on Mar 31, 2007
    A year, like the ODNT, isn't it?

    I thought it was for incremental updates (1.5 to 1.6, etc). Full version jumps would require new purchase, but incremental updates were inculded. I could be wrong though.

    Jeff: Thanks for the update. OD+ is one of my must have programs. Thanks for the work.
    on Apr 02, 2007
    The v1.6 Beta it up! Grab it on Stardock Central (v1.58[b].008 on SDC, released 4/2/07 - you'll need "Show pre-release versions" checked at bottom to see it)

    I think this is going to be a really great release - let me know what you think about it or if you run into troubles. Excited to hear what people think about the new features

    on Apr 02, 2007
    Not working for me Jeff. Couple of dll errors DLL/Hook failed to load.
    on Apr 02, 2007
    So far.........soooooo good.
    on Apr 02, 2007
    So very, very cool!
    The min/max animation from a running task dock is wicked good!
    The weather flyout is also very nice.  I like that I can change the size of the tiles and that I can skin the background.

    And best of al?  SYSTRAY!!!
    on Apr 02, 2007
    OK, just had it "Must Close" when I dragged(drug?) a shortcut off (poof) that belonged to a program I uninstalled yesterday.
    on Apr 02, 2007
    The weather flyout is also very nice.  I like that I can change the size of the tiles and that I can skin the background.

    And best of al?  SYSTRAY!!!

    It's great but I can't get any UK weather.I've tried Cities,towns and codes but nothing as yet  
    on Apr 02, 2007
    bobbyhundreds: London, United Kingdom seems to work here

    Using AccuWeather now for our feed so try looking up your location there and giving it a shot back in the docklet.
    on Apr 02, 2007
    I've started a Bug Reports thread for the beta here in the OS Customization section, it can be found here.
    on Apr 02, 2007
    Will there be any mechanism where ObjectDock Plus will not steal focus when a fullscreened app ( i.e fullscreen games like Unreal Tournament 2004 ) is running.

    That is by far my biggest beef with the app.
    on Apr 02, 2007
    There is a docklet to help prevent this.  Closes OD when a fullscreen app opens, and re-opens it after... I cant remember the name at the moment though.
    on Apr 03, 2007
    Love the new weather docklet flyouts.

    I don't use the magnification feature (it's cool, but annoying), so any improvements there will go unnoticed here.

    I like the concept of the taskbar modes for minimized/non-minimized tasks, but when either is selected the taskbar grouping stops working.

    I do have a question for you Jeff.......
    Why is OD making an outbound connection to
    on Apr 03, 2007
    Koasati: WinCustomize, no., yes. And if that were to go down,, etc. That's where the new weather module connects to to get its data. The deal is, we've partnered with AccuWeather to get our data in a completly legal and better controled way. The other side of it though is we have to host the service for providing data that they upload to us every hour, and we're ironing out some kinks, but it's been going for a month or so now and has been working overall well. (That module is StardockWeather.ocx, which is a control that does not / is incapable of being registered as an actual ActiveX control when included with ObjectDock)

    Glad you're enjoying the new flyouts! I love em too

    Yeah the minimized/non-minimized & lack-of-grouping..."unfinished feature" Ran up against the deadline on that one. Good news? I finished that feature tonight, and since we're going to be doing a refresh tomorrow, you'll be seeing grouping working on the alternate taskbar modes sooner rather than later. I'm almost feeling that I might want to look in to making the "Use Grouping" not a global setting now that there's potential to have different types of taskbars... thoughts? Not a big deal as is?

    on Apr 03, 2007
    I had an idea for task grouping options... instead of having them all in 'one' icon, instead just have the grouped icons side-by-side, like XP does with grouped items before it condenses them into a single icon.  You could drag any of the grouped icons to a different spot within the group, and if you dragged it to a point outside the group, the other icons would follow it.  Make sense?
    on Apr 03, 2007
    That's a good idea. I already have a lot of options though. Not sure that might be something we might just need to decide if we want to have it do as a new standard behavior or not, or if that kind of thing should have its own option. DOesn't quite seem option-worthy, its kindof a good-idea-or-not-good-idea kindof thing. From Microsoft putting it in all of their recent OS's, probably lends itself closer to "good idea" i suppose
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