Brand new improved weather feed
Published on August 2, 2007 By Dr W - Fences Support In Docks
Good news ObjectDock fans, we've been hard at work with our partner AccuWeather, and a brand new reliable weather feed is nearing ready. 2-3 weeks away.

The new feed will be (1) as up to date as you can possibly get (2) very resilient about locations, you'll have a much much harder time getting your nearby location to not be found, especially international users who may have had trouble before. Also, no more having to type something in exactly for it to work (For example "United Kingdom" vs "UK" vs "England"...only 1 of the 3 used to work.) (3) fast. faster servers = better performance and higher reliability for all.

Major kutos for our partner AccuWeather for being so helpful getting the feed & location-lookup up and running!

I'm really looking forward to putting out the update, thanks for your patience as we've been improving our system over the last several months

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 01, 2007
The feed is for non-commercial use I think.  ObjectDock is a commercial product.

There may be other doclets out there that are community produced that might work for you.
on Sep 01, 2007
Same here - the days are only correct in the evening; in the morning it's a day out    
on Sep 01, 2007
Great news - works for me!
Now back to designing them new Vista Icons I've got my eye on...

on Sep 01, 2007
There's a docklet called XML weather, which uses, yes, but it doesn't have the nifty forecast thingy, hehehe.
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